Day care Options
Our courses
Pre Beginner
The Pre-starter level course introduces fundamental phonics sounds, basic communication skills, and essential vocabulary, with a focus on classroom language.
The beginners level course comprehensively covers all phonics sounds, CVC (Consonant- Vowel-Consonant) words, communication skills, and essential vocabulary.
Level 01
At the Level 1, students focus on mastering high-frequency words, communication skills, and foundational vocabulary.
Level 02
- Introduce themselves
- Introduce people to each other
- Name colors of surrounding objects
- Name objects around (furniture, toys, fruits, shapes, animals, clothes)
- Name body parts
- Name some professions
- Speak about personal belongings using “I’ve got”
- Speak about preferences and skills using “I like” and “I can” structures
- Speak about feelings
- Count from 1 to 10
- Describe where the item is, using the prepositions ‘in, on, under’
- colors
- furniture
- toys
- clothes
- fruits
- animals
- shapes
- body parts
- professions
- feelings
- household items
- food
- It’s
- It’s (a / an)
- It’s my
- I like
- I can
- I’ve got / haven’t got, She’s got, He’s got
- I’m, He’s, She’s, They’re
- prepositions of a place (on, in, under)
- conjunction ‘and’
- preposition ‘for’
Level 03
- Have a simple conversation: say their name and age, answer the question “How are you?”
- Speak about their family, toys and items in the classroom
- Describe their appearance and clothes
- Speak about their preferences
- Tell what is in their room
- Tell about the location of items
- Talk about what they can or can not do
- Tell the time
- Count to 20
- Classroom
- Face parts
- Emotions
- Household items
- Family members
- Numbers
- Food
- Colors
- Furniture
- Action verbs
- Seasons
- Toys
- Days of the week
- Clothes
- This / that / these / those
- There is / there are
- I am / you are / he is / she is / it is / etc.
- Possessive forms (This is Bill’s cup, This is Ann’s watch)
- Have got / haven’t got / has got / hasn’t got (I have got a sister, She hasn’t got a toy car)
- Like and don’t like
- There is / there are
- Can / can’t
- Using lowercase and capital letters with names of people, days of the week, at the beginning of the
- sentence
- Students will be able to understand the teacher speech based on the learned words and grammar.
- Students know the English alphabet and confidently read words consisting of 1-2 syllables.
Cambridge Starters
- Speak about the location of objects using various prepositions
- Describe the feelings of others
- Compare and describe animals
- Count to 100 in English
- Speak about favorite toys, animals, flowers, sports
- Speak about family
- Speak about preferences
- Speak about everyday activities (watching TV, sports) and hobbies
- Tell the time
- Talk about favorite activities at different seasons
- Speak about preferences in food
- Speak about past events using was / were
- Ask and explain how to get to a place
- Classroom
- Emotions
- Animals
- Toys
- Sport
- Family
- Colors
- Food
- Months
- Public places
- Household items
- This / these / that / those
- Can / can’t
- Have / haven’t, has / hasn’t
- Mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours
- Him, her, them, it
- Articles a / an and ending -s with plurals
- Present Simple
- Present Continuous
- How much / how many
- A lot of, some, not much, not many
- Was / were
Cambridge -Movers
- Speak about what wearsanother person usually / now
- Speak about favorite school subjects
- Discuss weekend plans and plans for the nearest future
- Compare planets
- Speak about favorite films and actors, food, places and seasons
- Speak about the life of various animals
- Speak about talents of family members
- Speak about hobbies and daily activities
- Speak about different professions
- Speak about diseases and their treatment
- Clothes
- School subjects
- Time indicators
- Animals
- veryday activities
- Calendar dates
- Food
- Amount of something
- Flavours
- Professions
- Places
- Hobby
- Diseases personal preferences
- Present Continuous Tense (what’s happening right now)
- Difference between Present Continuous and Present Simple
- Adverbs of frequency (always, usually, sometimes)
- Conjunction “but”
- Going to structure (intentions)
- Time indicators
- Comparative and superlatives of adjectives and adverbs
- Ordinals
- Past Simple tense
- Difference between Past Simple and Present Simple
- Countables and uncountables
- Identifiers of amount (much / little / a few)
- Question words
- Punctuation marks ? / !
- Relative pronouns
- Prepositions of motion
- Modal verbs (must / mustn’t / have to)
- Speak about holidays
- Speak about future events (meetings, plans, predictions)
- Speak about the weather and different plans according to the weather
- Take and give adviceCommunication skills
- Speak about animals and compare their habitats
- Speak about recent experience
- Speak about professions and their features
- Speak about personal talents and professional plans
- Speak about location of objects
- Speak about different places and professions
- Speak about vacation and travelling
- Describe feelings, tastes, appearance
- Speak about clothes in detail (styles, materials, patterns)
- Speak about personal interests
- Speak about films, discuss the plot and express opinions on it
- Expand on past events
- Speak about plans
- Use phrasal verbs to describe travelling and cleaning
- Speak about holidays
- Speak about future events (meetings, plans, predictions)
- Speak about the weather and different plans according to the weather
- Take and give advice
- Speak about animals and compare their habitats
- Speak about recent experience
- Speak about professions and their features
- Speak about personal talents and professional plans
- Speak about location of objects
- Speak about different places and professions
- Speak about vacation and travelling
- Describe feelings, tastes, appearance
- Speak about clothes in detail (styles, materials, patterns)
- Speak about personal interests
- Speak about films, discuss the plot and express opinions on it
- Expand on past events
- Speak about plans
- Use phrasal verbs to describe travelling and cleaning
- Students expand vocabulary on the following topics:
- Common verb combinations
- Present Simple, Present Continuous tenses and the difference between them
- Future Simple tense
- Conditional sentences of type 0 and 1 (If …, then …)
- Should / shouldn’t
- Comparative adjectives with the structures ‘as … as’, ‘not as … as’
- Articles in the names of geographical objects
- Verbs must / mustn’t, have to / don’t have to
- Prepositions of place
- Present Perfect tense
- Passive constructions (Present Simple Passive)
- Too / enough
- Difference between Present Perfect and Past Simple
- Going to’ structure and features of its use
- Conjunctions so, or, but, because, and
- Adverbs used to express a sequence
- Punctuation marks ? / !
- Teachers discuss the following topics with students:
- Mathematics (origin of Arabic numbers, mathematical tricks, puzzles)
- Weather around the world
- Landscapes
- You are what you eat! (basics of proper nutrition)
- Geography (South Africa and New Zealand – what they are known for)
- The history of telecommunications (from drums to mobile phones, how does an emoticon differ
- from an emoji)
- 60s (what came before the invention of the Internet)
- Dinosaurs! (types, habitat, version of the causes of extinction)
- Environmental protection (global warming what will happen if …)
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